
183 Columbia Rd.
Hanover, MA 02339
Lisa Feldman of Pop-a-Lock is this month’s sponsor.
Sponsored by NVNA
Monday, 1/23 7:30p: Attend the Special Town Meeting at Norwell Middle School in the Henry E. Goldman Gymnasium at 328 Main Street. Don’t miss your opportunity to have a voice in the discussion,debate and appropriation of funds for important town initiatives.
Event Information
About this event
Attendees can expect to hear updates from:
- Town Administrator
- Select Board’s Office
- Police Department
- Fire Department
- Norwell Public Schools
- Norwell Public Library
- Council on Aging
- Highway Department
- Norwell Spotlight TV (NSTV)
Advance registration for this event is required. Doorknock Dinners will be providing individually wrapped breakfast sandwiches and coffee for this event.
$25 chamber members, $30 non-members
Thursday, 1/26 4:00-6:00p: Celebrate the Grand Opening of The Cordwainer at 555 Cordwainer Drive. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be served. RSVP requested: https://
Sponsored by Ambrosia Salon & Day Spa